How To Arrange Calla Lilies In A Vase?

How To Arrange Calla Lilies In A Vase?

Calla lilies are elegant, sophisticated flowers that can make beautiful cut flower arrangements in vases. With their trumpet-shaped blooms and rich green leaves, calla lilies have a clean, contemporary look well-suited for modern home decor. 

Their elegance livens up both modern and traditional decor. You can create stunning yet easy calla lily arrangements in vases for your home. We share tips for selecting, preparing, and displaying calla lilies in water for gorgeous results and how to arrange calla lilies in a vase.

Whether you want an arrangement for a special occasion or just to brighten up your home, calla lilies are a wonderful choice. Here we'll walk through everything you need to know to create stunning calla lily bouquets, from choosing the right flowers to proper care and maintenance.

Selecting Fresh, Gorgeous Calla Lily Blooms

The key to gorgeous calla lily arrangements starts with choosing excellent flowers to arrange. Look for Calla Lily Blooms that.

  • Stand upright, not drooping down
  • Are firm and perky, not wilted
  • Have rich green unblemished leaves
  • Do not have brown spots or other blemishes

While white calla lilies are the most common, you can also find calla lilies in shades like pink, purple, yellow, and more. Mixing the colors can create lovely contrast and visual interest.

Once you've selected flowers, carefully recut the stems on a diagonal with a sharp knife or gardening shears to allow more water uptake. Remove most of the lower foliage, leaving just the leaves near the top. Properly caring for your lilies is crucial for longevity. Follow our tips on how to keep lilies alive in a vase to enjoy them for up to two weeks.

Preparing the Stems

Preparing the Stems

Before arranging calla lilies in a vase, the stems need some preparation.

  • Recut the stems: Trim each stem diagonally, about 1-2 inches from the bottom, with a sharp knife or scissors. This creates a fresh edge that can more easily uptake water. 
  • Remove excess foliage: Strip off all foliage from the lower half of the stem. You just want to keep some leaves at the top. Too many leaves below the water will promote bacterial growth.  
  • Hydrate the stems: Place the freshly cut stems in a bucket of room temperature water for at least 30 minutes. This lets them rehydrate after harvest.

Arranging Callas Step-By-Step 

Once your calla lily stems are prepped, it’s time for the fun part - arranging! Follow these tips.

Choose an Appropriate Vase

The vase choice plays a big role in the overall arrangement style. For calla lilies, opt for an elegant vase with a slim profile. Avoid ornate vases that will compete too much. Glass, silver, or modern ceramic work well. The vase neck should be wide enough to easily insert calla stems. 

Build a Base 

Start by crisscrossing the bottom of the vase with sturdy greenery to anchor the stems. Good base greenery includes leather fern fronds, palm leaves, and monstera leaves. Crisscross diagonally in an X shape. 

Insert the Stems

Next, begin inserting the prepped calla lily stems into the vase. Group them in bunches of 3, 5, or 7 stems. Place the tallest stems in the center, with shorter blooms towards the front and sides in slightly triangular groupings.

Style the Blooms

Arrange the calla lily blooms facing different directions for visual intrigue. Let some lean to the left, others to the right, and some face forward. Leave a bit of space between each grouping. Turn and angle the green leaves in pleasing directions as well.

Arrangement Inspiration

Arrangement Inspiration

Here are some styling ideas for Calla Lily's arrangements.



Simple and modern

White callas in a tall cylindrical vase with glossy leaves

Tropical inspired

Mix pink and yellow callas with tropical foliage like monstera and palm

Dramatic purple

An all purple design creates a bold, elegant statement

No matter what colors you choose, embrace the calla lily's inherent beauty by keeping accessories and embellishments to a minimum. Their graceful trumpets and green leaves radiate on their own!

Caring for Calla Lily Arrangements

Caring for Calla Lily Arrangements

To enjoy your gorgeous calla lily arrangement for as long as possible:

  • Refresh the water daily. Re-cutting the stem ends every 2-3 days. Change the water if it becomes cloudy.
  • Mist flowers with room temperature water to increase moisture.
  • Remove any flowers or leaves that wilt or brown. Properly cared for, arrangements can last up to 2 weeks!

With their modern appeal and graceful blooms, calla lilies make wonderful cut flowers for home arrangements in vases. Follow these tips on selecting, prepping, and arranging calla stems for bouquets that will add elegant style to any space.

Frequently Asked Question

How do you make calla lilies stand straight?

Carefully insert calla stems evenly spaced in the vase. Use filler greenery around the stems for added support. 

How do you display lilies in a vase? 

Choose a simple elegant vase and arrange callas in groups. Turn the blooms in different directions for visual interest.  

How do you style calla lilies?

Let some stems stand tall while dangling others to the side. Mix calla colors like purple and yellow for contrast.  

How long do calla lilies last as a cut flower?  

Calla lilies can last around 2 weeks as cut flowers in the right vase. Re-cut stems and refresh water to maximize lifespan.


Calla lilies make elegant cut flower arrangements. Their trumpet-shaped blooms come in colors like white, pink, yellow, and purple. Carefully prepare the stems before placing them in water. Select fresh, perky flowers free of blemishes. 

Recut them at an angle and remove excess leaves. Crisscross sturdy greenery in a simple vase. Insert calla stems evenly spaced in bunches. Style the flowers facing different directions. With proper care, calla lily arrangements can last two weeks.