How To Care For Cut Roses 10 Essential Tips

Taking care of cut roses is simple. Start by trimming the stems at an angle. Remove any leaves that will be below the water line. Place the roses in a clean vase filled with water mixed with flower food. Keep them away from direct sunlight and drafts. Change the water every few days and trim the stems again to prolong their freshness.

To Care for and Keep Fresh Cut Roses Alive for a Longer Time, Use Lukewarm Water

Maintaining the freshness of cut roses is easier than you think. Start by filling your vase with lukewarm water. This gentle temperature keeps the roses hydrated without shocking them. With lukewarm water as your ally, your roses will stay vibrant and beautiful for days.

Use Flower Food

Flower food is a commercially available solution designed to extend the life of cut flowers. It contains essential nutrients and additives that nourish the flowers and inhibit bacterial growth. Simply mix the flower food with water according to the package instructions and use it to fill your vase before arranging your roses.

Cut Back the Extra Leaves

Next up in your rose care routine: Cut back the extra leaves. These leaves can cause bacteria to form in the water, shortening the lifespan of your flowers. Use sharp scissors to trim any foliage that would sit below the waterline. This keeps your water clean and your roses fresh.

Where Should You Keep Roses?

Choose a spot away from direct sunlight and drafts. A cool room temperature environment prolongs their freshness. Keep them away from fruits as they release ethylene, causing roses to wilt faster. Your roses will flourish in a calm, bright space.